San Luis Potosi
October 29th- November 3rd
Theme of the Week: El Dia de los Muertos
Juan, Sandra, Fer, Mateo, Lazaro (Rosi)~ Coco, Reina
10-29-18 Monday
Saying goodbye to the family in Zacatecas was really hard this morning. We drove from Zacatecas to San Luis Potosi in three hours. I watched Coco again but in English this time. I am so excited for the day of the dead in Mexico. The cultural experience of that is going to be unreal. When we got to our facility, we talked about Sweden and Denmark! We go in five days!!! Ahhh!! I'm so excited! Then, they announced interns for Europe. I got the vocal internship!!! This is a huge deal because this could really help me get the job at camp. Also, it will be a great experience leading vocal warmups and teaching songs to the cast. I can use that in the future at Concordia. I will be so much further along then the rest of my cast mates because of this internship! It will look great on applications for future jobs! YAYYYY! Then I found out that I was hosted alone and I went into instant panic. I was freaking out that it would be awkward, and that they wouldn't speak English! But when I met them, they spoke English and invited me into their family so smoothly. They bought me two packs of M&Ms! They have three kids, one 20 year old son, one 18 year old son, and one 16 year old daughter. The two sons are studying Mechanical Engineering in University, and both of the parents are doctors. When they drove home, they said "Welcome to your house." I felt so comfortable with this family, even though I am alone for the week. I am going to have so much fun!
10-30-18 Tuesday
Leah (From Pennsylvania), Cloe (From Switzerland), Javier (From Mexico), Nasya (From Bermuda), and I did show promotion all day. We went to coffee shops and put stickers on the cups with all of our show information. Then we went to a mall and handed out flyers. It was a very fun group of people, and we just got to hang out all day. Then the cast had a workshop where we learned all about the day of the dead. We made our own alters with ofrendas. Some of the cast members printed out pictures of friends and family who have died and they put their picture on the alter. Then some people shared a little bit about their family member who died, and then every one was crying and grieving together. It was a very weird experience for me because I have never lost anyone close to me, so I was just observing everything. Usually the alters are happy, and a big celebration, but it was really sad when the cast did it. Then when I got home, Fer had four friends over and it was a big party! They pressured me to play the piano, so we jammed for a little while! I love this host family so much, and I have a new life long sister.
10-31-18 Wednesday (Halloween)
I painted the walls of a rooftop garden today at Universidad Facultad. I was partnered with Lovisa (From Sweden), and we had deep conversations about religion. Her viewpoint on God is SOOOO screwed up, and I just had to listen and hear her out. I sometime can't believe how people can form such bizarre "truths." But, I loved having the conversation and trying to understand her point of view. We painted and stained wood all morning. Then, we had dinner with Sam and Eliot's host families. There were probably 25 people in the restaurant. Then we went downtown to look for souvenirs, and I got a pin and a patch. My host mom bought me an extreme amount of candy from a famous place called Costanzo. While walking in the busy streets of San Luis Potosi, I saw so many kids dressed up in costumes, girls faces painted, and mariachi bands. I felt like I was in the scene from Coco. There were many skeletons and freaky figures. Then a bunch of young kids who were friends of my host brothers went to a karaoke bar! It was the most fun that I have had in such a long time. We sang so many Spanish songs, and just had a really great time.
11-1-18 Thursday (Day of the Dead)
I went back to the rooftop garden at the school again in the morning, and Fer came with to help volunteer. We did a lot of manual labor like carrying 20lbs grass blocks up three flights of stairs. Then we hit the ground with a hoe to soften it up, and then we laid down sheets of grass to brighten up the garden. It was a serious workout, but it was fun to have my host sister there to help out. Then we went to the mall and had our first Cast B flash mob. The music to "Party" started and the dance line took off their jackets and ran to the center of the mall and started dancing. Then the rest of the cast joined, and it was a huge promotional success. At night, Fer and I got our faces painted for el dia de los muertos. My host mom had a friend who was very talented, and then she professionally paid for it! She's so loving and giving. Then she drove us to a party at Stephon's house. He invited most of the cast and their host families, and it was such a fun time! There was Mexican music, drinks, laughs, and dancing!!! AHHHH it was so fun! I love Mexico and this host family, and it will be really hard to leave.
11-2-18 Friday
Today I went to our show facility all day and set up the stage. This show venue is outside, and it was very difficult to put our set on the stage. It was a lot of heavy lifting, arguing, and frustration. But, we ended up getting it all ready to go for the show tomorrow. Then the cast got together for a culture fair, and BTS. It was a exhausting day. I went home and had to pack because we are going to SWEDEN TOMORROW!!!!
11-3-18 Saturday
In the morning, Sandra, Juan, Fer, Lazero, and Mateo took me out for a goodbye breakfast. We had delicious sopas. This is the family that I am going to miss most. They invited me to spend spring break with them next year in Puerto Vallarta. Then we had our cast appreciation where the entire staff put on a full show to appreciate members of our cast. They made fun of cast couples, reflected on our hard work in the semester, and sang about our memories. Then they kept saying how our semester is almost over and they sang "We are many." It was a fantastic show that made the entire cast hype about our show outdoors. About 20 minutes before the show, it started raining extremely hard. We talked about canceling the show. Last minute, we decided to do a 60 minute rundown. Then in the beginning of the show, the piano didn't work so I sang my solo acapella and it was saved! HAHA everyone was laughing and freaking out backstage. During the show it was raining, but people were still in the audience cheering us on and we got an encore for our last show in Mexico! Every time I came out for my Hope Moments, my host family screamed my name so loud from the audience! It was amazing. After the show, I ran out to them to finally say goodbye, and we all were crying in the rain. Then we striked and started our journey to Sweden...