Mexico City
April 22nd-April 29th
Theme of the week: Inspiration
4 mini shows
Paola Lucia B18
Tylene (Montana), Lydia (Finland), Nannette (The Netherlands), Pleun (The Netherlands), Angelis (Bermuda), Uriel (Mexico)
4-22-19 Monday
Travel Day!! Today the cast drove from Metepec to Mexico City. On the way we stopped at the Pyramids of Teotihuacan. I sat next to Carson on the bus and got to know him so much more. When we arrived at the pyramids, we walked up MANY flights of steep stairs. At the top, we could see a beautiful view. The entire cast spent most of the time taking pictures with each other. Then we walked along the markets that were lined up by the exit. Lunch was prepared for us in an authentic Mexican restaurant. The 100 people took up all the tables in the restaurant. Our facility this week is completely outdoors in a park. It's an interesting experience but that's why we call it Mexi Flexi! My allocation this week is AMAZING!! Paola, my first roommate in UWP, is hosting me and six of my best friends from last semester. I got to see her, Uriel, and Nannette. My heart is so full with joy and contentment. I have really missed my last cast, and having them here makes the world all seem to fall into place. Especially after our yearlong retreat, we can just continue talking about memories from B18. We had dinner with all 8 of us and her parents. Then we were up till 1 in the morning just talking and catching each other up on life events. I am very grateful to be here and spend time with my closest friends while I still can.
4-23-19 Tuesday
Today the cast had community discovery time in the center of Mexico City. Paola and Uriel joined us on the walking tour. We saw the big sights in the city and walked around a lot. Then we had free time for the rest of the day. Uriel, Paola, Tylene, Pleun, and I went out for lunch and just hung out for a while. Pleun got a severe nose bleed and we ran to get napkins to help her clean up. Then we all went to a tattoo shop. Tylene, Pluen, and Angelis got tattoos. We were there till 10:30 at night. We finally went home and ate flatas. It was a great day just hanging with my close friends from last semester. Having them here is refreshing and I really don't want to have to say goodbye again at the end of the week.
4-24-19 Wednesday
Today we had an internal day! In the morning, we had a city simulation. They made the cast break off into small Promotion Representative teams and attempt to set up a city for a cast. The staff and previous PRI's acted as community members, sponsors, churches, and alumni. I realized how extremely difficult it is to bring a cast of UWP to any city in the world. I have a new appreciation for what they do for us every week. We had home team olympics today as well. Each home team dressed up in a different color, created a cheer, and competed against each other in little minute to win-it games. Since I am the Education intern, I got to plan and facilitate all the activities for the cast. It was funny to see how everyone got so into the completion. I am sad that my internship with Sara is almost over. I loved spending time with her, learning, and growing throughout Mexico. Then we had an acoustic performance for all the host families in Mexico City. I hadn't sang for a couple months and I just really enjoyed being up there performing again. Then Virginie came up to me after in tears. It was a tender moment because she knew my struggles in staging and she was there for me. Also, Paola and Uriel were there to support after as well. The squad went home and we stayed up laughing and talking all night.
4-25-19 Thursday
Yet another internal day in the life of Up with People. We started the day talking about social movements in the world. We broke off into groups based on issues we were passionate about. I was a part of the Pro-Life group. Other movements were Education, Women's Rights, LGTBQ+ Rights, Gun Control, The Environment, Minimalism, and many more. We were researching about the origins of each movement. Then we had a long workshop about Europe. All the flight information, the logistics, and the questions that involve traveling to a new continent. Then the Belgians, Germans, and Danes in the cast did a presentation about cultural differences between these countries and Mexico. They talked about salutation manners, food, and dinner etiquette. I am excited to be in a developed country again. Then we had three hours of complete sign out time. The band got together and worked on songs for Europe. We also created a medley for Expression Session. We are excited to show that cast what we can do! Then we went to Paola's house and hung out together.
4-26-19 Friday
This week, we have four 15 minute backing track shows for the International Rotary Club. This is a big opportunity for Up with People. Today we had a show at 3pm and a show at 7pm. Since there is no band, all of the band members performed the cast movement. Most of us had no idea what the dances were. In rehearsal, we all tried to learn as fast as we could and jump onto the stage for the show. During Stronger Together, Aaron had so much energy that he performed better that most people who do it every show. It was so much fun to be back in the front doing little dances with the entire cast. But, it made me really grateful that I was in the band. After the show, we had a party at Paola's house. Javier came to visit along with many of her other friends. We had an authentic Mexican fiesta with food, drinks, and music. I was dancing with Javier most of the night, and it was a blast. We finally went to bed around three in the morning!
4-27-19 Saturday
We got to sleep in all morning because the last little show was at 10pm. All of us were completely exhausted and didn't get moving until around noon. Then we went to brunch and had the most delicious Mexican food. Angelis and Pleun wanted to see the avengers. While they were in the movies, the rest of us walked around the mall and shopped. As soon as we got home, I took a two hour nap and totally forgot what day it was and what country I was in. I felt like I hit a brick wall when I woke up. Then the squad had to drive to the fancy hotel for our final performance. Maryfer, Javier, Paola, Uriel, Sophi, and Angela were all there and it was a big reunion of all the Mexicans from last semester. We were waiting outside the private event for two hours before we finally got to perform. It was a very quick performance, and I went on for Keep Hope Alive with David and he forgot to raise the heart at the end. We all started laughing on stage because the band had no idea what they were doing. We passed out in the car ride homoe and went to bed.
4-28-19 Sunday
Host Family Day with Paola and Uriel!!! First we went to the Trajineras Xochimilco. There were hundreds of Mexican decorated boats on the water. People rent out boats and have a lake day. I felt like I was back on Prior Lake, but not really because there was so much Mexican culture. The boats didn't have motors so we had someone pushing the boat with a stick. A mariachi band came and performed on our boat as well. We brought our own tacos and drinks while we partied on the lake. We ordered Pulque, which is a thick alcoholic drink with a slimy texture. It tasted like melted Sherbet and it was delicious. After the boats, we went downtown Coyoacan and went into little Mexican shops. There were so many cute pants that I wanted to buy, but I knew I couldn't because I don't have enough space in my suitcase to get to Europe. When we got home, we all packed, ate dinner, wrote in our journals, and prepared for our flights the next day. I got extremely sad at the fact that I will not see these amazing people for a long time. They have made my heart so happy this week, and I do not want to leave them.
Today the cast had community discovery time in the center of Mexico City. Paola and Uriel joined us on the walking tour. We saw the big sights in the city and walked around a lot. Then we had free time for the rest of the day. Uriel, Paola, Tylene, Pleun, and I went out for lunch and just hung out for a while. Pleun got a severe nose bleed and we ran to get napkins to help her clean up. Then we all went to a tattoo shop. Tylene, Pluen, and Angelis got tattoos. We were there till 10:30 at night. We finally went home and ate flatas. It was a great day just hanging with my close friends from last semester. Having them here is refreshing and I really don't want to have to say goodbye again at the end of the week.
4-24-19 Wednesday
Today we had an internal day! In the morning, we had a city simulation. They made the cast break off into small Promotion Representative teams and attempt to set up a city for a cast. The staff and previous PRI's acted as community members, sponsors, churches, and alumni. I realized how extremely difficult it is to bring a cast of UWP to any city in the world. I have a new appreciation for what they do for us every week. We had home team olympics today as well. Each home team dressed up in a different color, created a cheer, and competed against each other in little minute to win-it games. Since I am the Education intern, I got to plan and facilitate all the activities for the cast. It was funny to see how everyone got so into the completion. I am sad that my internship with Sara is almost over. I loved spending time with her, learning, and growing throughout Mexico. Then we had an acoustic performance for all the host families in Mexico City. I hadn't sang for a couple months and I just really enjoyed being up there performing again. Then Virginie came up to me after in tears. It was a tender moment because she knew my struggles in staging and she was there for me. Also, Paola and Uriel were there to support after as well. The squad went home and we stayed up laughing and talking all night.
4-25-19 Thursday
Yet another internal day in the life of Up with People. We started the day talking about social movements in the world. We broke off into groups based on issues we were passionate about. I was a part of the Pro-Life group. Other movements were Education, Women's Rights, LGTBQ+ Rights, Gun Control, The Environment, Minimalism, and many more. We were researching about the origins of each movement. Then we had a long workshop about Europe. All the flight information, the logistics, and the questions that involve traveling to a new continent. Then the Belgians, Germans, and Danes in the cast did a presentation about cultural differences between these countries and Mexico. They talked about salutation manners, food, and dinner etiquette. I am excited to be in a developed country again. Then we had three hours of complete sign out time. The band got together and worked on songs for Europe. We also created a medley for Expression Session. We are excited to show that cast what we can do! Then we went to Paola's house and hung out together.
4-26-19 Friday
This week, we have four 15 minute backing track shows for the International Rotary Club. This is a big opportunity for Up with People. Today we had a show at 3pm and a show at 7pm. Since there is no band, all of the band members performed the cast movement. Most of us had no idea what the dances were. In rehearsal, we all tried to learn as fast as we could and jump onto the stage for the show. During Stronger Together, Aaron had so much energy that he performed better that most people who do it every show. It was so much fun to be back in the front doing little dances with the entire cast. But, it made me really grateful that I was in the band. After the show, we had a party at Paola's house. Javier came to visit along with many of her other friends. We had an authentic Mexican fiesta with food, drinks, and music. I was dancing with Javier most of the night, and it was a blast. We finally went to bed around three in the morning!
4-27-19 Saturday
We got to sleep in all morning because the last little show was at 10pm. All of us were completely exhausted and didn't get moving until around noon. Then we went to brunch and had the most delicious Mexican food. Angelis and Pleun wanted to see the avengers. While they were in the movies, the rest of us walked around the mall and shopped. As soon as we got home, I took a two hour nap and totally forgot what day it was and what country I was in. I felt like I hit a brick wall when I woke up. Then the squad had to drive to the fancy hotel for our final performance. Maryfer, Javier, Paola, Uriel, Sophi, and Angela were all there and it was a big reunion of all the Mexicans from last semester. We were waiting outside the private event for two hours before we finally got to perform. It was a very quick performance, and I went on for Keep Hope Alive with David and he forgot to raise the heart at the end. We all started laughing on stage because the band had no idea what they were doing. We passed out in the car ride homoe and went to bed.
4-28-19 Sunday
Host Family Day with Paola and Uriel!!! First we went to the Trajineras Xochimilco. There were hundreds of Mexican decorated boats on the water. People rent out boats and have a lake day. I felt like I was back on Prior Lake, but not really because there was so much Mexican culture. The boats didn't have motors so we had someone pushing the boat with a stick. A mariachi band came and performed on our boat as well. We brought our own tacos and drinks while we partied on the lake. We ordered Pulque, which is a thick alcoholic drink with a slimy texture. It tasted like melted Sherbet and it was delicious. After the boats, we went downtown Coyoacan and went into little Mexican shops. There were so many cute pants that I wanted to buy, but I knew I couldn't because I don't have enough space in my suitcase to get to Europe. When we got home, we all packed, ate dinner, wrote in our journals, and prepared for our flights the next day. I got extremely sad at the fact that I will not see these amazing people for a long time. They have made my heart so happy this week, and I do not want to leave them.