Monday, June 11, 2018


Last night was graduation and the senior lock-in. I have a lot of feels about the idea of moving on and leaving the life I know behind. Graduation was a very long, but special, ceremony where people were celebrated for finishing high school. I was able to wear a gold rope on my gown for achieving a cumulative 3.8 GPA all four years. I met up with my closest friends to take pictures and remember this big milestone. From this moment on, my life will never be the same. My experiences will change, my friends will change, my living conditions will change, my livelihood will change, and my support system will change. Everything in my life will be turned around in the best way possible. I have made the best relationships with teachers and classmates, and I will probably loose touch with most of those people. As I look back at all the people who have poured into my life and supported me through every challenge, I am truly sad to say goodbye, especially, to my parents and my sisters. It's a surreal feeling watching everything come to an end, and knowing that what comes next will be even better. I am so excited for the future, and so thankful for the past and everyone who was a part of it. 

Pre-Graduation Selfies with Mom and Dad

Best Friends taking on the world.
Greatest group of friends 

Lucky to have these girls in my life

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